Patience Consulting LLC is a technology automation and LiDAR consulting company led by Dr. Sabbir Rangwala. He has a distinguished career in the optics and automation industry that spans over 30 years, with ground-breaking achievements in diverse applications like communications, sensors, imaging, LiDAR, and autonomy. He currently heads Patience Consulting LLC which specializes in market, management, strategic and technology analyses in the LiDAR and autonomy areas. He also serves on the boards of multiple companies that develop and/or use optical sensing and is a regular Forbes contributor in the smart transportation vertical. This experience has enabled deep insights into the LiDAR landscape from a competitive, architecture and operational perspective – for automotive and trucking applications, smart cities/infrastructure, logistics and autonomy of things (AoT™).
Sabbir pioneered the development of high performance, 1550 nm SPAD based LiDAR systems at Princeton Lightwave and led the Automotive LiDAR business unit. This involved building and managing a team of 50 people in various disciplines, as well creating deep customer engagements and supplier relationships. His efforts led to the sale of the company to in October 2017.
Prior roles include President and COO of Princeton Lightwave where he led LiDAR development for aerospace applications, VP of Product Development & Operations at JDS Uniphase where he was responsible for a team of 180 people in four global locations, and management and technical roles in optical communication components and networks at Bell Laboratories and AT&T Network Systems. He holds multiple patents in all these areas.
Dr. Rangwala has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.
The AoT™ is registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office under Serial Number: 90844659, International Class(es): 010, 012. Please contact us for licensing this trademark.